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Dysfunctional Unity: The Road to Nowhere

Friday, Aug. 9
1530-1600 PDT
Creator Stage 2


Abstract & Bio


Years progress, time passes, and medical devices are still vulnerable, with Hospital computer and network security being a hot topic on the minds of citizens and CISA/FDA/etc. If we do not get better now, things will get much worse in the future. My talk will cover some general mistakes observed within the Medical device topography, misnomers about SBOM and what it is and what it accomplishes, ideas for roadmaps for more secure devices and environments and discussions around CVEs relating to the medical device topography.


Michael Aguilar (v3ga_hax) heads Medical Device Adversarial Testing at Secureworks. He conducts Adversarial tests, Social Engineering, and more. Outside work, he enjoys cardio, playing guitar, and music.

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