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Our Story


cybersecurity and biomedical technology research for healthcare


Our mission simply put:  Healthier Tech for Healthier People.

The Biohacking Village was established as a non-profit organization in 2014. Cybersecurity for healthcare was not yet at the forefront as it is today and we saw a need to raise awareness.  

The healthcare landscape is large and at times it is difficult for individuals to realize that security is just as critical as the patient care itself. Our mission is to close that knowledge gap.  We partner with medical and pharmaceutical manufacturers, digital medicine, and patient advocacy groups, citizen scientists, industrial control systems, and healthcare delivery organizations (hospitals and clinics) in order to continue our research into making a safer patient environment. We raise awareness to the cybersecurity, biotechnology, and research landscape of our society after all, we are all patients in the healthcare system.

One of the largest adversities we have faced, not just as an organization but in healthcare as well is funding.  How do we correct an issue with out proper funding?  Research takes time and resources. 

We want partners and senior stakeholders who are interested in supporting and growing with us. We provide an environment for industry partners, government officials, security researchers, citizen scientists, and other leading experts to participate in discussions that focus on equity, integrity, leadership, science and innovative  solutions.


If we aren’t building trust in to our processes, how is trust ensured between the physicians that take care of us, the devices they use, the facilities they work out of and the patients they see.  Let's build the trust and strengthen our communities.


That's our vision. This is OUR STORY, not just the Biohacking Village. 

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Let’s Work Together

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